Announcing Outersloth x MORE MONEY???



Since revealing the existence of our indie game fund Outersloth this year, we signed an additional 3 games to our roster, leaving us at a healthy total of 13 games since our inception.

But that wasn’t the only thing we gained! As time went on, we had some extremely generous indie buddies who were interested in pitching in to help Cool Indie Games Get Made With Dev Friendly Terms™. However, they didn’t want to deal with the hassle of setting things up, fielding applications, and becoming so overloaded with processes that it interfered with their own game making.

So, we opened up Outersloth to them. Please welcome in Casey Yano (from Mega Crit, creators of Slay the Spire and Slay the Spire 2) and a mysterious and beloved indie friend who wishes to remain anonymous!

  • Wait, does this change Outersloth at all or the ownership? 
    Nope. Nothing has changed. All it means is we have even more money every year to fund games. It still is run mainly by Forest and Victoria (hello) (also thanks to Kristi, Mike, and Sam for the help), but now Casey and [MYSTERY FRIEND] get to look through our pitches and fund whatever stands out to them. If a game is funded by either one of them, we’ll be sure to announce it with appropriate credits so you know who chose what. But it’ll be the same deal, same terms, etc.
  • Can I pitch directly to them? 
    NO. DO NOT DO THIS. DON’T MAKE CASEY AND [MYSTERY FRIEND] ANNOYED AT US. It WILL be trashed. All applications must go through the Outersloth website form
  • How much are they pitching in? 
    Casey and [MYSTERY FRIEND] get to choose how much or little they want to fund, so long as it happens! So while we can’t say it increases Outersloth’s available pool of funds by [x] amount, we can guarantee they are indeed regularly throwing down some cold hard cash to get some cool games made. 
  • Is Outersloth doing this because you’re already running out of money?? 
    Nope! We have planned for years ahead and our budget is looking good! This was just a serendipitous situation. 
  • What kinds of games are they looking for? 
    Much like the Outersloth website states, the floor is open. We have different tastes and vibes, which means a healthy variety will get chosen. That being said, we are all a fan of interesting/unique gameplay mechanics and games with heart and soul put into them. For example, don’t get caught up in thinking Casey will fund card-based games! 
  • Will they help me with my game? 
    Other than funding it, no guarantees for anything else! Again, this will run exactly like Outersloth always has, which is to say we are not a full service publisher. We do not offer any services or marketing support.

We have some more plans to talk about our process and Forest has a 12(?) page blog post coming up about his thoughts on game funding so… I guess you’ll hear more from us soon! 

Wishlist and/or buy the Outersloth games too please okay thank you. 

Victoria & Forest 

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