Demo Data 📈 Analyzing Steam Next Fest
It’s hard to believe that Steam Next Fest was several weeks ago! Just think, earlier last month, you didn’t even know that Among Us 3D was a thing! Time is crazy. 😵
Anyway, now that it has been a week since our Steam Next Fest Demo officially ended, we thought we’d share a few interesting tidbits of insight 📈 we gathered from your play.

We’ll start with the obvious. Surprising no one, the most popular bean during the Demo period was the Red bean wearing the beloved Fedorable hat. You beans are nothing if not a tad predictable. 😅
That said, it’s important to note that Gloves, Skins, and premium Hats (meaning the ones you pay for) were not included in the Among Us 3D Demo. 🔒 We’ll be shocked if Fedorable ever ranks anywhere that isn’t First… But, you haven’t seen all of the awesome new cosmetics that are coming to the game yet! 😎 So, it’s nothing is impossible!

While the first place popularity style stayed unchanging, we did see a bit of a shake up within the Top Ten overall — both for Hats and Colors!
Several hats moved a rank or two, which has happened previously. However, probably the most notable difference here is the appearance of Heart — which jumped eight ranks from 16th up to 8th! ⬆️ This is the first time Heart has been featured in the Top Ten, likely since the launch of Among Us VR, so this feels pretty huge for cutesy aesthetic beans. 💗 We see you! 🥺
Several other hats saw significant leaps in their popularity as well, albeit not enough to land in the Top Ten. Still, we think rising 13 places — from 31st to 18th — is certainly worthy of a callout for Funky Fusion! 🤟
The future holds even more of these bean-y insights when Among Us 3D launches on — 🤭 just kidding! We’re not spilling the beans on a release date just yet. Soon, my beans. Soon.™️
Stay suspicious,