Patch 2: The Big Fix
Greetings, Crewmates!
✨✨✨ The BIG Fix is here! REJOICE! ✨✨✨
We’ve been actively listening to your feedback, and our Task List was starting to pile up. So, we’ve got a doozy of an update for you. Hold onto your visors, beans — it’s a big one!

On top of the general improvements to connection issues, overall game stability, and a safety feature defaulting players’ usernames to display by default instead of color, we’ve updated the game with sixty bug fixes to issues that you reported!
For our technical-minded or just-really-naturally-curious beans, we’ve shared a full breakdown of our Patch 2 fixes in our Patch 2 Release Notes (on Steam and the Meta Store pages), which you can also find on our Discord server!
But, we’ll summarize a few of the highlights for you.

First on our list is a focus on 📶 repairing connection issues 📶! Players will have fewer experiences in the “black void” between matches and no more invisible beans.
We’ve also fixed the pesky issue where the game would tell you your birthday was invalid. 🎂 We see your birth as being valid, and now the game does, too! 🎂 Formatting of the date will now be correctly validated, and, as a bonus birthday gift, you won’t keep getting pestered to re-enter your birthday every time you return to the menu.
A number of visual bugs, 👓 both in-game and with the UI 👓, have been addressed. The holomap in Admin has been upgraded to actually work properly. Hands, shadows, corpses, Impostors… Stuff that shouldn’t be seen can now be seen, and stuff you shouldn’t be seeing will now be NOT seen.
Don’t worry, Impostors. We haven’t left you out of the updates either! 😈 We’ve fixed issues so Impostors will no longer get stuck in the vents or in a mysterious black void when an emergency meeting is called or a match ends. 😈
On top of all this, we’ve also updated random issues with tutorial progression, blind spots, task (minigame) behavior, and a plethora of miscellaneous situations! Yes, we busted out the word plethora — that’s how you know we’re serious.

Now that we’ve completed all these tasks, the real fun begins! ✨✨✨ Be sure to check out our recently shared 2023 Roadmap to get a sneak peek at what we’ve got in the pipeline in the coming year. We know *we’re* excited — and hope you’ll be, too!
Stay suspicious, beans!